Welcome to LocalGov Jobs recruiter services

Advertise a job now and start receiving applications today £750

  • The cost above is for listings that have salaries under £75k; anything above this level must include a print advert in The MJ

  • Reach the best candidates working in UK local government
  • Get quality applications direct to your inbox
  • Find your ideal candidate on our CV database

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  • Save money buying multiple job ads
  • Contact our sales team for a tailored advertising solution
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  • Secure online payment or pay by invoice

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Contact our sales teams now

MJ Jobs and LocalGov Jobs:
James Smith – 07545 900 599

Bradley Harrison-Thompson – 07922 420 987

James Daniels – 07922 421 000

Highways Jobs::

Charlotte Staley – 07518 900 097

For further information, please contact:

Spacehouse Ltd on 01625 614000

or email jobs@spacehouse.co.uk

Why use LocalGov Jobs?

LocalGov Jobs provides high quality response for recruiters and class leading tools for jobs seekers looking for town hall jobs, including environmental jobssocial care jobs, children’s services jobs and senior management jobs.

Contact our sales team today to find the best solution for your recruitment needs.